Hello !
Dinda Pupsita Mandiri Harianto
Marketing Class of E45 2014
Gratuate Student of Master Program in Management
Gratude Program of Management and Business
Bogor Agricultural University
Prof Dr. Ir UjangSumarwan, MSc
Dr. Mukhamad Najib, MM
Dr. Ir. Kirbrandoko, MSM
Lecture Notes based on book by UjangSumarwan, AgusDjunaidi, Aviliani, H.C RoykeSinggih, JusupAgusSayino, Rico R. Budidarmo, SofyanRambe. 2009. PemasaranStrategik: StrategisuntukPertumbuhan Perusahaan dalamPenciptaanNilaibagiPemegangSaham (Strategic Marketing: Strategy for Corporate Growth in Creating Share Holder Value). Jakarta. Inti Prima.
Here with cover for the Book:
Sumarwan, U., AchmadFachrodji., Adman Nursal., ArissetyantoNugroho., Erry Ricardo Nurzal., IgnAnungSetiadi., Suharyono., ZeffryAlamsyah. Cetakanke 2.2011.PemasaranStrategik: Persfektif Value-Based Marketing danPengukuranKinerjaStrategicMarketing: Value Based and Performance Measurement Perspectives). Bogor, IPB Press.
Here with cover for the Book:
Class Notes on Tuesday March 11, 2014
Topic: Strategic Planning
Lecture: Prof Dr. Ir UjangSumarwan, MSc
This is the first time Prof. Ujang teaching for E45 class. The first time that he gave to us is asking about "What the benefit values from other contries if Indonesia joined on AEC (ASEAN Economic Community)?"
We should answer with the difference perspective, if any student given the same answering, Prof. Ujang will give them pusihment likes singing penalty.
And summary from answering that question are many benefit among ASEAN countries in term of political, economic, social, transport, cultural, geografic, legalicy of goverment etc.
Prof. Ujang's teaching style is very interesting. Makes students more creative and class enviroment more lively.
On class we also discuss about sub-subject of Marketing Strategic, likes Vision and Mision of company, company benefit, stategic plan gap dan marketing mix.
Prof. Ujang also direct us to thinking more positive with term of Marketing perspective.
Our class discuss about Halal Food (1980 era). At that time Indonesia think this is a political issue, they not think this is potential market. Different with Australia, they think this is a comodity so they can grab the market of Halal Consumption.
And now we can look Australia is the biggest supplier for Halal food (Meat) to Muslim Countries for exsample Middle East Countries.
From case above we should think positive if we got some issue, and find the benefit from business or maketing side.
This is the past of our discusstion on Marketing Management Subject.
Thanks for reading readers,
"Sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat" (HR. Bukhari)
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